Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Motherly Advice {Seek Adventure}

We all know that going to the grocery store with a toddler and 5 month old may be an adventure in itself but somehow i have decided there is a need for more. When we stay home 5 days a week except for visits to the gym we all tend to go a little crazy. Maybe me more than the girls but i am convinced Leighton is way more well behaved when she gets some fresh air and sunshine. 

Now that the sun is out and summer is just around the corner it is time to start planning all the adventures you want to go on. Vacations, day trips, park outings, pool days, whatever your heart desires. Seriously seek after it. Immerse your children in it. 

At the end of last summer i discovered my love for hiking. This year i plan to hike as many times as we possibly can, i am not kidding when i say i want to hike at least once a week. Southern Utah is like one ginormous hikers play ground. How in the world am i supposed to hike with a crazy 2 year old and a baby? It is not easy, I will tell you that right now.

 Courtney and I attempted our first run at it last week. We were not prepared for the hour it took us to sunscreen, chase, change, and pack on all the kids, but now that we have done it once we are convinced it will be easier next time. 

If you are a hiker and want to try it out with your kids here is my advice... always use the buddy system (take another adult), wear sunscreen (at least lather your kids in it), bring a ton of water, and be very very patient. Walking at a toddlers pace is not always easy but if you try to see the hike through their eyes you will enjoy the beauty around you soooo much more.

If i learned anything in all of my child development courses it was that children learn through experiences. These little ones are total sponges just waiting to soak up whatever we allow them to. Go ahead be brave, and seek adventures and take your littles along to experience them with you. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Motivate Me Monday- The Sweetest Inspirations

What better way to start off the week than with a post full of motivational things. I want to share a MMM weekly full of the sweetest inspirational things i have found on pinterest. These will be my mantras for the week and hopefully they will get me going. 

Last week i felt so blah! I let a lot of  bitter feelings consume me and today i had the most amazing wake up call. I can be grateful for all the amazing things i do have in my life and move on. With that here's to a fresh start and way of nourishing my body.

 Bye Bye Sugar!

What do you do to start the week off right? 
I'd love to know.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Confession- I Need Sugar

It is 11:15 pm and i am sitting here eating what i think are Reese's cup cookies (my probably future sister in law brought them over) and drinking an apple beer. In about thirty minutes i will have no problem passing out for the rest of the night. Is this a problem? I tend to consume sugar like this all day long. If it isn't candy it is the most sugary thing i can find, I have even been known to resort to chocolate chips and don't judge me... a spoon full of brown sugar. Crazy right!? I honestly thought i was the only girl in the world this addicted to pure sugar until my new friend Jess (really a lost part of my own soul) said that she tends to turn to hidden chocolate chips from time to time as well. Is it because I have an almost 6 month old that is constantly sucking the energy out of me (literally). I don't know, but i need to get off this kick.

As fun as this may sound to constantly eat sweets, its not. I work out so unbelievably hard and my results are not coming fast enough. My skin is gross, I never seem to have the right kind of energy and I  know you want to hear about my mood swings. Lets just say i have considered the possibility of me being bipolar lately. Highs and lows like no ones business.

 Is there a sugar-addict-anonymous out there? If so, sign me up. Next week i am going to try to go sugar free, starting out small with only 5 days, partly because Jess is so i told her to count me in. Hopefully i can handle the with drawls. Until then, I am going to throw away every last peep in this house, that's a start right?

Mmmm Maybe i should eat some nutella pizza before next week.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top Ten

I think it's about time I share a little more about myself. Anne from The Hills are Alive shared a top 10 and I loved it. With all the new followers (love you!) let's get to know each other more.

Top Ten 

1. Morning cuddle sessions with the girls
2. Trenta green tea lemonades
3. Dancing with Leighton
4. Finding new places to eat out
5. Maxi dresses
6. Couponing at Target
7. Fresh flowers
8. Beautiful lighting, especially through my back window
9. Saturday morning piyo workouts
10. Front door wreaths

Just a few more because who only has 10 in their top?

The way Emersyn sucks her fingers, Kaden coming home early, Everything gold and The smell of spring.

Now its your turn, post it, insta it, or comment it, and tag me I want to get to know you too! Seriously lets become online besties please?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Meaning of Easter

This past week I have been trying to get Leighton into the Easter spirit. We had so much fun with egg hunts, an Easter party, and dyeing eggs. If any holiday would be her favorite, it would be Easter. Ever since this girl was little she has had an obsession with eggs. Getting to play with them and find them has been a dream come true. We might just end up doing egg activities for the rest of the year. P.S. I totally made that adorable gold egg shirt she has on. I am serious when i say we were in the hippity hoppity easter bunnyrific spirit.

I was so excited for all the holiday eggcitement that i didn't spend much time talking to her about the real meaning of Easter at all. Okay to be honest i didn't spend anytime talking about it. Sarah challenged me in her last letter to do the #becauseofhim on instagram, which i did and I loved my small moments i took each day to reflect on all that i have been blessed with because of the savior.

Last night i laid in bed and thought about what i wanted to post about Easter. What it really meant to me, what spending all this time with the girls means, and why we celebrate this blessed holiday. I really lost sight of what is important, not that dying ombre eggs and dipping strawberries to look like carrots isn't...but the resurrection of Jesus Christ just is so much more. This holiday is really about our savior and that he died for us and lived again. I am somewhat amazed at how there are two huge holidays devoted to a man that not everyone believes in but almost everyone seems to celebrate. How wonderful is the message that seems to be hiding along with all those eggs? 

If you have not seen this movie yet, provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, then please watch it. I could not describe in a better way what is real and possible because of this man and his actions that we celebrate on this Easter Sunday.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Another Year At The Fair

I have probably posted about the fair every year since i started this blog. Obviously it is a mandatory event if you grew up in Moapa Valley and still live somewhat close to home. In the past it had always been kind of like a town reunion, it was fun to go and run into people from high school and play the quick catch up game. Now it is fun to go and explore all the new and exciting things with my girls. 

To say Leighton was in heaven would be an understatement. The fair is made for kids like her, the adventurous, animal loving, don't care if they are dirty but want to wear a denim dress type. I am now convinced we should live on a farm to properly raise this girl. She would always be entertained if we had chickens, goats, pigs and horses around for her to chase and take care of. 

Poor Emersyn got a little neglected (doesn't she always) since i was so busy chasing Leighton around. But I think she still enjoyed a change of scenery and all the people watching she did. 

Experiences like these are what make small town life so appealing. That and the fact that Kaden and I enjoyed the rural activities we were involved in growing up. For now i am happy with where we are and the life we are living. Spending time as a family, really is what is most important. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sunshine and Smiles

The Sun finally decided to grace us with its presents and not only has it been bright and sunny, but it has been warm too. I feel like all this nice weather deserves one big happy dance. Luckily Leighton agreed and spent the afternoon dancing away in the backyard. 

Its amazing how good a little sunshine is for the soul. Last week i started feeling really down on myself and couldn't seem to shake the creeping depressed feelings that were coming over me. Luckily Monday came with a big yellow circle in the sky, a morning run, lots of positive instagram posts and most importantly happy baby smiles. It was a great recipe for some serious low self worth blues. I am not exactly sure why i have felt this way lately but i really am glad that this week has been so much better. 

I love the feeling of sunshine on my face, the sound of the girls laughing, and the sight of my beautiful daughters enjoying  a bright and sunny day. I hope this weather stays, i hope my positive mood stays (im trying very hard to keep it) and i hope my girls never stop smiling. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Spring Has Sprung!

I look forward to spring as soon as Christmas is past and that is quite a wait. It is finally here! At least for the most part and Easter is only a few weeks away. One of my favorite traditions that i have started with for the girls buying them brand new easter dresses. I always loved my frilly little dresses when i was little and hope my girls feel the same way. This years search for the perfect dresses was not easy. Everything seemed to look exactly like last years or was way to casual. 

Here are a my favorites for both the girls and me. Enjoy!

1. old navy 2. zara 3. zara 4. gap 5. gap 6. old navy 7. zara 8. gap

Well of course all four of these are from Anthropologie

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Motherly Advice {Love More}

Earlier this week a friend told me how horrible she felt for snapping at her daughter. I had to Laugh, has she ever met Leighton? The poor girl gets snapped at daily. Honestly we are lucky if I don't shut myself away for a moment so I don't throw her across the room. 

I told her welcome to the club of Toddler moms and didn't think much of it. Until last night. I cuddled with Leighton and thought for a long time about the difference in Leightons good days and bad. I thought about  how i compare my children and its not fare that i do. Then i thought about how Kaden and I feel about our place within our families. 

I hate to admit it, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just need to love more. Both of my babies are loving  and sweet, just in different ways. To communicate with Leighton successfully i need to do it in a loving manor, but in a way that she considers loving, not me. I really need to read Love Language book again and figure out exactly what hers are. But for now Instead of being angry or fighting with her, I am going to work on teaching her and letting her know how absolutely loved she is. 

This doesnt only work for toddlers going through their terrible twos though, love is something everyone wants to feel. Maybe your having a rough time with your spouse, a sibling, or friend. Just make sure they know how much you love them. It never hurts to love more.